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Writing for press release distribution

Writer: Myrtle LemondMyrtle Lemond

In some instances, before a press release is written, a team of experts goes over the topic or issue involved in the news or topic. It may not be a matter of whether some event or item is newsworthy or not since there are writers who can make an entirely unknown and uninteresting story into something stimulating, if not, fascinating.

It is important that there has to be some agreement as to the key points that the story will tell among the members of the team and between the team and the management before the story is converted into a press release.

press release distribution

Some tips from the experts could provide a newbie in news writing. Let’s begin with a general news release. This is news information that has to be distributed to the media organizations and personnel, the purpose of which is to generate interest, coverage, and exposure for the company that distributed the press release.

Experts say write in the third person, and unless you’re using a sentence in a direct quote, don’t tell “I” or “we.” Second, consider the perspective of the reader when writing your PR piece. What makes your news special that your readers would care? Of course, an ordinary story can be enriched by an expert feature writer.

The best press release distribution services has to be at least 400 to 500 words. Beyond this length, readers could get bored. In the first paragraph of your story, get to the point right away to give the reader an idea what the story is all about. Don’t let your readers keep on guessing until the end of your account. News writing is of this genre. Seasoned news writers get the attention of the readers in the first paragraph.

Be prudent when it comes to praising your story or product or service that your account is presenting. Using too many adjectives could make the reader suspect that you are pitching a sales for the product or company to much too soon, and your story might lose credibility. Be objective and avoid including your own (writer’s) opinion in the story. Using a testimonial or statistical data would be much more effective than an opinionated tale.

Use words that can be easily understood. Avoid using too much technical language or so-called “industry jargon.” Be clear about your message. Never assume that every reader will know what you are saying in the story especially if it’s filled with technical words that are nor defined.

Review your work carefully and avoid costly mistakes that could embarrass you and your company. Check the spelling, grammar, and clarity. If possible, let someone who has some experience in writing review your story and make the necessary corrections.

press release distribution

If you want to send out a press release news quickly and efficiently. Try finding PR services like Press release PR and newswire services distribution.

Optimize your story by using keywords that searchers would likely use. Study the current search engine guidelines on the use of keywords. For clarity, and to generate greater interest from readers, use images related to your story. If a video clip is available, provide a link to YouTube in the story.

Get the approval of your supervisor or the management before distributing the story. Once approved, email the story yourself to the target audience.

Author William Hiatt’s Google Page:



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